Who I Work With

I work with individuals of all ages as well as couples and families. I work with people who experience a wide variety of problems including depression and grief, anxiety and stress, parenting, behavioral and attention problems in children and adolescents, sexuality, addictions (drugs, alcohol, food) and marital and relationship problems. I also work with businesses helping workers, managers and supervisors deal with the unique problems on the job. I work with professionals of all kinds.

I run workshops and seminars on a variety of topics such as Awareness, Forgiveness, Communication, and the Art of Letting Go. I am a personal coach supporting and empowering individuals to accomplish their dreams in all facets of life.


Couples Therapy
Couple’s Therapy is where you and your partner come in together to address issues regarding your relationship. The most common issues that often bring couple’s into therapy are poor communication, affairs and sexual concerns.

How Therapy Helps
Communication problems are at the heart of most relationship difficulties. Lack of communication or poor communication often results in a build-up of negative emotions which fuel excessive arguing, blaming, avoiding, going outside of the relationship or lack of sexual fulfillment.  Therapy helps to restore open communication and to honor and release the negative emotions that are getting in the way.

Working with Teenagers
The teenage years are one of the most challenging times in a person’s life both for parents and teenagers alike. It is a time where the teenager is seeking to establish his or her own identity and autonomy. The most common issues that bring teenagers into therapy are problems between parent and teen, identity issues, body image, poor self-esteem, drug use or poor school performance.

How Therapy Helps
One of the greatest benefits of therapy for teenagers is that it gives them a safe space to talk without fear of judgment or someone telling them what they should or should not do. As parents, it is often difficult to simply hear our teenager especially when they are oppositional or rebelling. When the teen can begin to sort out his or her own emotions, behavior and self-esteem problems clear up naturally. It can sometimes be helpful to have parent and teen come in together to open up communication and to negotiate boundaries of behavior. 

Working with Individual Issues
There are many other reasons that bring people into therapy.  All of us go through periods of our lives where we feel “stuck” with negative feelings about ourselves or our life. Guilt, feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, indecisiveness, inability to concentrate, lack of motivation and negative beliefs about oneself mask themselves as depression. Fears, excessive worry, tension, inability to focus and panicky feelings mask themselves as anxiety. All of these feelings can further result in negative behaviors such as alcohol or drug abuse, eating disorders, weight gain, poor sleep patterns or social withdrawal. These kinds of symptoms can range from mild to severe.

How Therapy Helps
Therapy helps you get to the heart of your negative feelings and thinking. You have a safe space to address your inner world and struggles. When you are able to honor and release your negative thinking and emotions, you will discover that you have much more control and say-so over your life than you previously imagined. Therapy helps you to create new possibilities in thinking, feeling, being and acting which ultimately results in a greater happiness in your life.

Working with Families
With the high stress and faced pace movement of life in this day-in-age, many families go through periods of lack of connection and communication. The most common issues that bring families into therapy are concerns about children, money, blending of families and divorce. Family members sometimes feel as if their families are falling apart.

How Therapy Helps
Family therapy allows families to reconnect with one another and open up communication without the arguing and bickering. It creates a safe space for self-expression and to possibly hear each other for the first time. As each member of the family feels heard and acknowledged, a greater feeling of love and unity is the result.


For whatever reason you are seeking help, we can first decide by phone whether to come in alone, bring your spouse or significant other, or bring your whole family together. Our next step would be to arrange a first appointment to gather information. The purpose of our first session together is to explore your present situation and background and together we formulate goals on what you hope to accomplish in therapy. We will also establish a time frame in which we can anticipate the completion of our work together. This will insure that therapy is not an open ended process and that we are maintaining a direction and purpose. If you have a question about whether I might be helpful to you, please call or complete the contact information below.

“Therapy helps you to create new possibilities in thinking, feeling, being, and acting which ultimately results in a greater happiness in your life.”